

MUST response to press coverage of Red Knights bid

We note stories appearing in the press today casting doubt on the determination of the Red Knights to make a bid to bring a new era of supporter ownership to Manchester United while releasing the club from the financial stranglehold of the Glazers' debt.

Of course we aren't able to respond directly to comments attributed to unnamed sources but what we can say is that the description of the progress of the Red Knight proposal in the press is not consistent with the view that we hold having being involved in direct ongoing discussions with the Red Knight group.

The Red Knights official spokeperson told us this afternoon "Talks are progressing very positively".

It should also be noted that contrary to some reports MUST has not called for a boycott although we are encouraging supporters to delay renewal of season tickets and executive facilities until at least the first deadline and ideally until a Red Knight bid comes forward. If the Glazers reject a bid or indeed are still here next season we will review that position accordingly.

An official statement that "renewals are on track" is not inconsistent with the view that there are likely to have been a very small number of renewals up to now, as in previous years, as there are still three and a half weeks to go to the first deadline which has traditionally been extended in any case.

In recent years there has been a concerted effort by the club to frighten supporters into renewing season tickets because a queue of people are waiting to take their seat. Any supporter trying to sell on an unwanted ticket this season knows how much demand has fallen and furthermore there have been sections of empty seating even for the biggest games (often tucked up out of sight in the top corners of the stadium) so clearly the mythical "waiting list" is little more than a cynical marketing ploy to dupe supporters.

Clearly the Glazers are worried about season ticket and executive renewals,  impact on sponsorship and the general opposition to their ownership given the incredible momentum of the Green & Gold campaign and so are seeking to undermine supporter morale. If that is the case they are severely underestimating the determination of Manchester United supporters and the anger they feel about the millions of pounds the Glazers are taking out of our club every year.


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