Manchester United supporters end of season charity dinner - Saturday 5th May
Manchester United supporters end of season charity dinner - Saturday 5th May
Tickets aren’t yet on sale but
put this into your diary now, register for a discount code and get your group of friends together - if you can get a group of 10 for a table you get (your) seat free:
Saturday 5th May - the night before the last home game of the season - Swansea(H) at
The Point, Lancs CCC
Manchester United supporters end of season charity dinner in honour of
James W Gibson 80 years after he saved Manchester United from extinction.
What better way to round off the season than a United fans dinner with ex-players including special guests
Gordon McQueen and
Jimmy Greenhoff and numerous celebrity Reds.
The evening will be hosted by Mancunian hero and all round defender of the Red faith
Terry Christian
If all goes to plan, we'll be celebrating a record 20th title too and this will be the mother of all parties!
Further details to follow - look out for your chance to register for special EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT VOUCHERS in the next email.
Terry on the Greenhoff Brothers
Terry Christian Showreel
Our Spectacular Venue: -
THE POINT at Lancs County Cricket Club:
Contact Us
MUST, Trafford House, Chester Road, Stretford, MANCHESTER M32 0RS
Office: 0161 872 3300 (24 hour answerphone)
Contact us on Twitter:
MUST is the independent Manchester United Supporters' Trust, a not-for-profit organisation and an Industrial and Provident Society registered with the Financial Services Authority (30024R) under the name I-MUST Limited with offices at MUST, Trafford House, Chester Road, Stretford, MANCHESTER M32 0RS