

MUST response to Glazers - MUFC Not For Sale

We note the statement from the Glazer family that Manchester United is "Not For Sale".

A spokesman for the Manchester United Supporters Trust (MUST) said:

"Not For Sale? That has a familiar ring to it. Of course the last time Manchester United was "Not For Sale" was back in 2005 and what happened next - the Glazer family bought it. It is clear from the reactions on the Manchester United message boards that supporters are not buying into the spin coming out through the Glazers' PR machine."

"We know their US businesses are in major financial difficulty and there is huge unrest at their American Football franchise too with Buccs fans up in arms refusing to renew season tickets due to lack of investment by the Glazers. Sounds familiar? If the club really isn't for sale why would they need to say anything at all? Why are they so concerned about telling everyone they don't want to sell? If they don't want to sell they can simply reject any offer. It sounds like the gentleman doth protest too much."

"The Glazers are clearly panicking over the powerful Green and Gold campaign, the growing opposition amongst supporters and the threat of a mass non-renewal of season tickets from supporters. They know that supporters have the power to remove them and they clearly fear that the anger amongst supporters at the millions they've taken out of our club has driven many beyond breaking point."

MUST - Manchester United Supporters Trust


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