Last chance today (Tues 30th April) to take part in away ticket distribution consultation
If you're a season ticket holder and haven't already responded and you are interested in MUFC away ticket distribution proposals today (Tuesday 30th April) is your last chance to respond. Details from the club below and you might also wish to view the discussion in the comments section at RedsAway at the foot of this information.
Please read the proposals below. You may also want to think about these questions suggested by members. Obviously we want to create the best outcome for the club (support/atmosphere and allocations) and all fans who wish to attend aways rewarding loyalty while also allowing new fans to get into the regular away habit and especially to include young fans to bring through the next generation considering the ageing population of our support. This isn't about each supporter looking at it selfishly to work out how they can increase their own chances but rather doing what is fair and what is right for fans and the club.
Please explain the reasoning for your answer in terms of what effect you think it will have and why this is beneficial?
Responses should be sent to mailbox awaygamefeedback@manutd.co.uk by 30th April. Final proposals will be confirmed at the May Forum meeting.
1. Should new season-ticket holders be prohibited from applying for domestic away tickets for three seasons?
2. Should right to apply for away tickets be governed by not only by how many home games you buy tickets for but rather how many home games you actually attend in person (and support the team)?
3. Should a limited number of domestic away tickets be set aside for adults wanting to go with juniors to promote the next generation of away fans?
4. Would you be in favour of the club taking action to improve fan behaviour at domestic away games, for example, to stop people blocking aisles? What action would you like to see taken?
5. To clampdown on ticket touting and ensure the person who was assigned the ticket for domestic away games actually attends, should the club introduce an ID check system? If so, what system would you favour?
6. Do you think the Loyalty Pot should remain as it is with no new members admitted, be changed (if so how?) or be removed (if so why?)
7. In addition to domestic home game attendance and away game applications as a measure of loyatly should the number of European away games applied for/attended also add to loyalty points to increase chances for those ultra loyal fans?
Official message from Manchester United to season ticket holders.
Responses should be sent to mailbox awaygamefeedback@manutd.co.uk by 30th April. Final proposals will be confirmed at the May Forum meeting.
Away Ballots Final Proposals
Following an extensive review over the last few months, the Fans’ Forum is proposing a number of improvements to the process of Away ticket balloting
We are asking for specific feedback on these proposals.
The proposals are summarised in this note.
Both the Forum and the Club endorse the continuing principle of a Loyalty scheme based on long-term attendance/application for domestic away games. But it needs to be redesigned to make it more open and dynamic. Currently, to qualify for the Loyalty Pot, a fan had to have applied for every away game during a particular period during the 2002/03 season. We want to allow fans who have shown great loyalty since then to enjoy the benefits of the Loyalty Pot.
This degree of change is beyond the scope of what we initially agreed to look at so we can’t introduce a new scheme for next season as it needs more analysis & design, consultation and notice of change. We should aim for it to be in place for 2014/15.
1 Redistribution of Current Allocations
Ballot processes so far this season have reduced LP success rates by about 9% to around 78% (in part due to a run of lower allocation games). This has resulted in a small benefit to ST applicants (now around 15% success rate). Distribution will have to be reviewed further as part of the new Loyalty scheme from 2014/15.
For 2013/14 we should keep LP success at 80% which equates to an average of 750 per game. This percentage should be retained even if LP applicants fall further during next season.
2 Qualifying Period for New Season Ticket Holders
From next season, no new Season ticket holder will be able to apply for away games until they reach Silver level which has reduced from 5 years tenure to 3 years. All existing Red ST holders will be able to continue to apply.
3 Application and allocation controls
We want to ensure that, as far as possible, tickets are allocated to and used by those who are actually applying - but we do not want to prevent informal exchange trading between regular applicants, or create unreasonable demands on applicants or the Club.
Proposed measures could lead to fewer applications (increasing success rates for those applying genuinely), help to ‘audit’ the current applications base in advance of a new loyalty scheme, and tackle ticket touting (including all sources of premium price tickets).
Some or all of the following may be used during 2013/14:
1. Identity and match going status of all current LP members to be re-validated (method may include some form of ID ticket collection for a few selected games, which may include presenting Season Tickets as proof of identity)
2. Club exercise due diligence with club allocated tickets (player, sponsors etc) on conditions of ticket use.
3. Discourage multiple and proxy applications in the ST pot – may include validating secondary applicants and/or tickets sent out separately to grouped applications.
4. Discourage Execs from applying on behalf of others as this impacts on success rates of fellow execs
5. Sustained Club follow up on all premium ticket sale sources
4 Addressing Reduced Allocation Issues
Actions to improve success rates of ST applicants will be wiped out by continued reduced allocations imposed by clubs or local Safety Advisory Groups.
Incidents have occurred at several games this season. Multiple incidents at Chelsea Capital One Cup (flare, bottle, pitch encroachment) led to a renewed reduction at Spurs. There were further incidents at Swansea (flare) and West Ham (seat on pitch). Other matches have reported issues of major aisle encroachment and steward abuse.
The Forum recognises the efforts of club officials and of supporter groups in negotiating with clubs and authorities and encouraging appropriate behaviour. This was particularly successful for the Anfield game following the Hillsborough report. But, we need ideas and commitment to do more in the interest of the core away fan base.
1 Possible Registration Scheme for Away Applicants
Club officials have suggested that a registration scheme could help to persuade clubs and authorities not to reduce allocations. The suggested scheme would require both a ticket (notindividually named) and personal photo ID card to enter a ground. It might also discourage occasional applicants (eg for popular games). But there would be costs for the club and applicants and some may have civil liberty concerns.
A compromise idea would be for ticket holders to show the Season Ticket of the supporter in whose name the away ticket was issued. This would have the benefit of allowing genuine fans to swap tickets in the event that the original supporter cannot attend the game but with the proviso that the applicant has to give the fan attending the game something of value (ie his or her United Season Ticket) in order to prove they legitimately hold the ticket.
Neither the Club nor fan members of the forum are committed at this stage but we agreed to seek initial views from fans on the concept and principles.
2 Possible Separate (limited) Allocation for Family Stand (FS) Applicants
There has been a suggestion that there should be a limited scheme to provide dedicated tickets (located together in appropriate seating) for Family Stand applicants - ie an adult accompanied by a junior.
Proposed 25-30 pairs (50-60 seats) per game. For a few games this might be negotiable in the opposing team family area. FS applicants would not be able to apply additionally in the ST pot. Any net ‘loss’ to be borne by ST Pot (offsetting some gain from LP)
Although we have sought earlier feedback that generated the ideas that now form the basis of our proposals, we would like your view on the final proposals and other key questions.
The Club is committed to an updated Loyalty Pot and the three year qualification period, but we would like any views on the following:
1. Initial views on how the Loyalty pot could be altered to incorporate the principle of ‘recent loyalty’
2. Proposal for limited Adult & Junior allocation
3. Other proposals to control applications and allocations
4. Further potential actions to address minority fan behaviour/reduced allocation issues
5. Views on the principles of a registration scheme and/ or the use of home Season Tickets to prove identity.
Responses should be sent to mailbox awaygamefeedback@manutd.co.uk by 30th April. Final proposals will be confirmed at the May Forum meeting.
Fans’ Forum
April 2013
REDSAWAY: How to take part in away ticket distribution consultation http://bit.ly/17tYk4I