

MUST launches viral infographic attacking Glazers' mufc float

Please share the infographic below on Facebook, Twitter and email. Below is the press release sent out today:  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Tuesday August 7th 2012

MUST - Glazers' infographic  

As part of its continuing pressure on the planned Glazer family New York IPO MUST - The Manchester United Supporters Trust has released an INFOGRAPHIC highlighting some of the hard financial facts surrounding the IPO and Glazer ownership of Manchester United in general.

Key facts and figures are bought to life visually and graphically.

A spokeman for MUST commented,
"This is a highly effective way of getting across some of the negative aspects of the Glazer's ownership and the IPO in general - and though the presentation is light hearted this is no laughing matter for Manchester United's global fan base".

"This is just another way of telling the story that the Glazers' New York flotation plans for Manchester United are bad news for investors, the club and fans and demonstrate just how much ownership by the Glazer's has cost the club".

"We had to tone it down a little - some of the ideas we thought about were incredibly popular with the development team but probably not totally in good taste"

"The facts alone are disgusting enough for any red to the core United fan and we must do all in our power to defend our club against the consequences of this flotation plan".

"We're appealing to the millions of United fans around the world to join the MUST campaign through our website to send a powerful message to the Glazers, their bankers and their sponsors. Over half a million messages (currently 519,737 and counting) have already been sent to the Glazers' bankers and now fans all around the world are turning their attention to the sponsors too"

The infographic is free to publish and is available below or download online here:

Sponsors SpeakOut:
IPO Banks SpeakOut:
Open Letter to Glazers:

MUST - Glazers' IPO infographic   












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