M.U.S.T wins reprieve for junior Manchester United members
When we became aware of the decision to remove the member discount on ticket purchases for the new season we issued this statement asking the Club to reverse the change.
Thanks to those supporters who brought this to our attention on social media: Some were a bit less patient than others but we appreciate the frustration:
Of course we also raised this issue directly with the Club. We emphasised that this hit junior members particularly hard as the effective % price increase was substantial. For example, a parent bringing 2 kids would be impacted with a triple price rise as it affected both the adult and also both junior tickets.
Today we have received a response from the Club and they have agreed to reinstate the ticket discount for junior members. We see this as an important move as we have been involved in a long standing campaign to rejuvenate the crowd at Old Trafford and certainly don't want to see any changes that discourage young fans attending. The average age has been steadily rising over many years and no doubt this has had an impact on atmosphere decline. The next generation of loyal fans tend to get hooked as juniors so clearly keeping prices low for juniors is crucial.
Naturally we'd have preferred a complete reversal of the decision for all members but it is good to see the Club listening to M.U.S.T on issues like this which affect our match going fans, especially the next generation we want to encourage.
If you'd like to join MUST you can join as a Full Member (or a Match Going Member for just £5 a season) here: join.imust.org.uk
If you already have a lapsed membership account you can renew by logging in here:
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